What are you drawn to?
Unravel the Secrets within Each Sign
If you’ve ever used Feng Shui to arrange objects in your home, you may have heard of the Bagua, or the Feng Shui energy map. Similar to the Lakshmi Star, it also contains the number eight, as it separates the home into eight segments: career, spiritual growth, health, money, fame, love, creativity, and helpful people. This energy map, when used properly, can help you to draw abundance and positivity into your space.
The Celts depicted a tree in the form of hands stretching to the sky, and below they had the contours of roots. People have always believed in worldly life and a parallel world. This symbol meant the unity of the three worlds: underworld, life on earth, and in heaven.
According to the Celts, trees were considered to be ancient living things that played a very important role in their lives. With their roots firmly rooted in the earth and their branches reaching high in the sky, sacred trees connect us to the other world, spirits, and our ancestors.
Triquetra — is a simple “triangle”, which denoted all the triangular forms. Nowadays, this symbol implies a more complex figure consisting of three elements, usually with the addition of a circle inside or outside the figure. Because in medieval Celtic culture the triquetra was rarely depicted alone, it can reasonably be regarded as a contextual symbol, which was used to fill the space or complement the ornament of more complex compositions.
The triquetra is a very old symbol, and very important in Neopaganism because it is believed to represent the three stages of the triple goddess (Virgin, mother, and wise woman).
Spirals in Celtic mythology stand for spiritual growth. The Celts often used various types of helix spirals. Their meaning was in eternity, constant spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit, and mind.
This symbol embodies ether energy emitting. It also symbolizes the growth, birth, and evolution of consciousness. The same spiral symbol is often transmitted as a labyrinth in many ancient cultures, including Celtic. As a spiral labyrinth, it means the path we all take in life.
The spiral is also a symbol of space. In this respect, the spiral comes out. The wise Celts understood that the universe is not only infinite but also constantly expanding.
The All-Seeing Eye, also called the Eye of Providence, features an eye set within a triangle pointing upwards. The symbol has numerous interpretations and has been used in various contexts.
The Ankh is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph meaning ‘life’ and was often used in phrases that expressed positivity. It is also thought to be a symbol of fertility and the continuation of life after death. Today, the use of the Ankh symbol is widespread and can be found in many forms on contemporary jewelry.
Triquetra means ‘triangle’ or ‘three-cornered’. Therefore, this symbol often has 3-fold meanings across numerous cultures; in Christianity it has come to represent the Holy Trinity, whereas Pagans use it to symbolize the three aspects of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone). The symbols’ exact origin is a mystery but many scholars believe it to be Celtic and is thought to date back to around 500BC.
The Witch’s Knot is a symbol that has been around for centuries, as a means of warding off evil. Within the knot is a circle which is a common symbol of protection. The Witch’s Knot is a symbolic representation of the knot magic that was practiced by witches in the Middles Ages, which was often scratched on the doors of homes and stables.
Triskeles nowadays is one of the most popular Celtic symbols. Its main meaning is the unity of the Earth, Water, and Fire. It is believed that travel has powerful protective properties, brings money, and good luck. According to the beliefs of the Celts, all ornaments consist of the Thread of Life and the pattern cannot be changed, as it is granted by the gods.
Triskele man is considered an ancient Celtic symbol. In Celtic mythology, he is the god of spring and summer. Year after year, century after century he disappears and then returns, demonstrating the process of death and rebirth, the tide and ebb, life and creation.
The Triple Moon symbol, also known as the Triple Goddess symbol, is one of the more prominent symbols used in Neopaganism, Paganism, and Wicca. The full moon surrounded by the waxing and waning crescents symbolize the Goddess, as well as the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
If you’ve ever used Feng Shui to arrange objects in your home, you may have heard of the Bagua, or the Feng Shui energy map. Similar to the Lakshmi Star, it also contains the number eight, as it separates the home into eight segments: career, spiritual growth, health, money, fame, love, creativity, and helpful people. This energy map, when used properly, can help you to draw abundance and positivity into your space.
The Celts depicted a tree in the form of hands stretching to the sky, and below they had the contours of roots. People have always believed in worldly life and a parallel world. This symbol meant the unity of the three worlds: underworld, life on earth, and in heaven.
According to the Celts, trees were considered to be ancient living things that played a very important role in their lives. With their roots firmly rooted in the earth and their branches reaching high in the sky, sacred trees connect us to the other world, spirits, and our ancestors.
Triquetra — is a simple “triangle”, which denoted all the triangular forms. Nowadays, this symbol implies a more complex figure consisting of three elements, usually with the addition of a circle inside or outside the figure. Because in medieval Celtic culture the triquetra was rarely depicted alone, it can reasonably be regarded as a contextual symbol, which was used to fill the space or complement the ornament of more complex compositions.
The triquetra is a very old symbol, and very important in Neopaganism because it is believed to represent the three stages of the triple goddess (Virgin, mother, and wise woman).
Spirals in Celtic mythology stand for spiritual growth. The Celts often used various types of helix spirals. Their meaning was in eternity, constant spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit, and mind.
This symbol embodies ether energy emitting. It also symbolizes the growth, birth, and evolution of consciousness. The same spiral symbol is often transmitted as a labyrinth in many ancient cultures, including Celtic. As a spiral labyrinth, it means the path we all take in life.
The spiral is also a symbol of space. In this respect, the spiral comes out. The wise Celts understood that the universe is not only infinite but also constantly expanding.
The All-Seeing Eye, also called the Eye of Providence, features an eye set within a triangle pointing upwards. The symbol has numerous interpretations and has been used in various contexts.
The Ankh is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph meaning ‘life’ and was often used in phrases that expressed positivity. It is also thought to be a symbol of fertility and the continuation of life after death. Today, the use of the Ankh symbol is widespread and can be found in many forms on contemporary jewelry.
Triquetra means ‘triangle’ or ‘three-cornered’. Therefore, this symbol often has 3-fold meanings across numerous cultures; in Christianity it has come to represent the Holy Trinity, whereas Pagans use it to symbolize the three aspects of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone). The symbols’ exact origin is a mystery but many scholars believe it to be Celtic and is thought to date back to around 500BC.
The Witch’s Knot is a symbol that has been around for centuries, as a means of warding off evil. Within the knot is a circle which is a common symbol of protection. The Witch’s Knot is a symbolic representation of the knot magic that was practiced by witches in the Middles Ages, which was often scratched on the doors of homes and stables.
Triskeles nowadays is one of the most popular Celtic symbols. Its main meaning is the unity of the Earth, Water, and Fire. It is believed that travel has powerful protective properties, brings money, and good luck. According to the beliefs of the Celts, all ornaments consist of the Thread of Life and the pattern cannot be changed, as it is granted by the gods.
Triskele man is considered an ancient Celtic symbol. In Celtic mythology, he is the god of spring and summer. Year after year, century after century he disappears and then returns, demonstrating the process of death and rebirth, the tide and ebb, life and creation.
The Triple Moon symbol, also known as the Triple Goddess symbol, is one of the more prominent symbols used in Neopaganism, Paganism, and Wicca. The full moon surrounded by the waxing and waning crescents symbolize the Goddess, as well as the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
One of the most famous Celtic symbols is The Celtic Cross. Celtic cross is a combination of a cross and a circle, encircling the place of intersection of lines. It symbolizes the harmony of the four elements or four sides of the world. The lower part of the cross is always expanding, showing the growing human needs. Also, the Celtic cross connects the sign of Christianity with a symbol of paganism (sun). It is believed that this symbol will save a person bearing it from the influence of dark forces and give him wisdom. For example, it is used in the logo of the Celtic football club.
Nsoromma é um símbolo que representa uma estrela e tem o significado de "filhos do céu". Ela simboliza tutela e amparo divino.
É um lembrete de que Deus está presente e olha por todos.
Cernunnos is the Celtic symbol, depicting one of the main gods — the god of fertility and life in general. He was usually depicted sitting cross-legged or with a deer and a bull standing side by side, dressed in a sleeveless tunic, with a necklace around his neck. His head was adorned with a pair of branching deer antlers, and the name “horned” itself suggests that he was a god of the forest and wild animals or a god of plenty. Cernunnos was the god of the underworld, associated with the cycles of death and rebirth of nature.
The image of snakes had a positive meaning among Celts too. According to ancient beliefs, these animals are excellent healers. Besides, snakes have a deep knowledge of magic and great wisdom in life.
Quaternary Celtic Knot is something not very common, as the celts preferred using the threes or circles, which they believed meant eternity and life. Although, in this knot, the square is inscribed in a circular shape. This symbol is responsible for protecting the soul of its owner from negative energy. It symbolizes support and foundation, gives a sense of confidence and protection, a feeling of earthly firmness underfoot. At the same time, the knot has no beginning and no end, which symbolizes infinity.
Carolingian Cross is the cross formed by triquetras. Naturally, this symbol was exploited as a sign of the male trinity, so its originally inappropriate female form was interpreted in this spirit. The triquetra represents the three aspects of the goddess (the virgin goddess, the mother goddess, and the wise old woman). Some researchers cite the meanings of this symbol as the movement of the Sun, the three phases of the luminary – at dawn, at the zenith, and sunset.
Dara Celtic Knot shows an intertwined ornament, resembling the tree roots. The name of the knot is derived from the Irish word “Doire” which means “Oak”. So the graphical representation of the knot’s name refers to the root structure of the old oak tree. Like other Celtic images, the Dara knot consists of interlaced lines with no beginning or end. The Celts and Druids worshipped nature, especially old oaks, and considered them holy. They regarded this tree as a symbol of solidarity, strength, discernment, and perseverance. Likewise, the Celtic binder of the Gift symbolizes the base from the oak tree with a similarly representative source of inner strength.
“Triskele” translates from Greek to “three legs”; as such, the Triskele is a symbol consisting of three interlocking spirals. Due to its triplicate nature, the Triskele represents multiple “threes”: life/death/rebirth and maiden/mother/crone (the triple goddess) are just a few examples.
Thus, this ancient Celtic symbol reminds you to be at peace with everything in and around you. It gives you strength and positive energy to let go and accept the core nature of the universe.
One of the most famous Celtic symbols is The Celtic Cross. Celtic cross is a combination of a cross and a circle, encircling the place of intersection of lines. It symbolizes the harmony of the four elements or four sides of the world. The lower part of the cross is always expanding, showing the growing human needs. Also, the Celtic cross connects the sign of Christianity with a symbol of paganism (sun). It is believed that this symbol will save a person bearing it from the influence of dark forces and give him wisdom. For example, it is used in the logo of the Celtic football club.
Nsoromma é um símbolo que representa uma estrela e tem o significado de "filhos do céu". Ela simboliza tutela e amparo divino.
É um lembrete de que Deus está presente e olha por todos.
Cernunnos is the Celtic symbol, depicting one of the main gods — the god of fertility and life in general. He was usually depicted sitting cross-legged or with a deer and a bull standing side by side, dressed in a sleeveless tunic, with a necklace around his neck. His head was adorned with a pair of branching deer antlers, and the name “horned” itself suggests that he was a god of the forest and wild animals or a god of plenty. Cernunnos was the god of the underworld, associated with the cycles of death and rebirth of nature.
The image of snakes had a positive meaning among Celts too. According to ancient beliefs, these animals are excellent healers. Besides, snakes have a deep knowledge of magic and great wisdom in life.
Quaternary Celtic Knot is something not very common, as the celts preferred using the threes or circles, which they believed meant eternity and life. Although, in this knot, the square is inscribed in a circular shape. This symbol is responsible for protecting the soul of its owner from negative energy. It symbolizes support and foundation, gives a sense of confidence and protection, a feeling of earthly firmness underfoot. At the same time, the knot has no beginning and no end, which symbolizes infinity.
Carolingian Cross is the cross formed by triquetras. Naturally, this symbol was exploited as a sign of the male trinity, so its originally inappropriate female form was interpreted in this spirit. The triquetra represents the three aspects of the goddess (the virgin goddess, the mother goddess, and the wise old woman). Some researchers cite the meanings of this symbol as the movement of the Sun, the three phases of the luminary – at dawn, at the zenith, and sunset.
Dara Celtic Knot shows an intertwined ornament, resembling the tree roots. The name of the knot is derived from the Irish word “Doire” which means “Oak”. So the graphical representation of the knot’s name refers to the root structure of the old oak tree. Like other Celtic images, the Dara knot consists of interlaced lines with no beginning or end. The Celts and Druids worshipped nature, especially old oaks, and considered them holy. They regarded this tree as a symbol of solidarity, strength, discernment, and perseverance. Likewise, the Celtic binder of the Gift symbolizes the base from the oak tree with a similarly representative source of inner strength.
“Triskele” translates from Greek to “three legs”; as such, the Triskele is a symbol consisting of three interlocking spirals. Due to its triplicate nature, the Triskele represents multiple “threes”: life/death/rebirth and maiden/mother/crone (the triple goddess) are just a few examples.
Thus, this ancient Celtic symbol reminds you to be at peace with everything in and around you. It gives you strength and positive energy to let go and accept the core nature of the universe.